吉利格德 (Gili Gede) 是龙目岛西海岸附近一个美丽、安静的地方。 它是吉利群岛之一。 对于那些想要远离吉利特拉旺安和巴厘岛等繁忙地点放松身心的人来说,这里是完美的选择。 这个小岛很特别,因为它很安静,有漂亮的住宿地点和有趣的活动。
要游览吉利格德岛,您可以轻松地从巴厘岛或印度尼西亚其他地区乘坐快艇。 这些船是穿越大海并直接登陆这个宁静岛屿的快捷方式。 这是一次简单的旅行,可带您直接到达吉利格德美丽的海岸。
吉利格德 (Gili Gede) 充满了令人惊叹的景点。 您会发现美丽的沙滩、清澈的海水和友好的村庄。 该岛是秘密吉利斯岛的一部分,吉利斯岛是一组安静而迷人的小岛。 在这里,您可以看到当地小社区的生活方式,享受他们的传统生活方式和美丽的自然风光。
如果您准备好参观更多景点,吉利格德就是一个绝佳的起点。 您可以乘坐快艇或渡轮游览附近的其他岛屿,甚至返回龙目岛或吉利特拉旺安海岸。 您可以轻松地从这里四处走动,寻找新的冒险。
吉利格德岛虽然很小,但到处都是吃饭、购物和娱乐的好地方。 您可以品尝美味的当地美食,寻找这里人们制作的精美工艺品,享受轻松的氛围。 这里有很多事情可以做,从在海滩上放松到探索当地文化。
来到吉利格德的最佳时间是天气晴朗、气候宜人的时候。 这通常是一年中的大部分时间,因此很容易在这里计划旅行。 您一定会喜欢温暖的白天和凉爽的夜晚,非常适合享受岛上的一切。
对于任何寻求和平与美丽的人来说,吉利格德 (Gili Gede) 都是一个绝佳的地方。 凭借快船和渡轮等便捷的交通选择,到达这里并探索周围变得非常简单。 无论您热爱自然、美食还是文化,吉利格德都能为您提供一些特别的东西。 快来参观一下,看看为什么这个小岛是寻求宁静和冒险的旅行者的最爱。
吉利格德的魅力不仅在于其宁静的风景和丰富的文化体验,还在于交通便利。 吉利格德的交通选择包括快船和渡轮,让您的旅程轻松无忧,舒适快捷地连接您前往周围的岛屿和大陆。 这种无缝连接可增强您的冒险体验,确保您的访问既轻松又丰富。 无论您是远道而来,还是穿梭于附近的岛屿之间,往返吉利格德岛都是等待每位旅客的愉快体验的一部分。
吉利格德岛是“秘密吉利斯”中最受欢迎的岛屿,它由龙目岛海岸北部的小岛屿组成。 其偏僻的地理位置使其成为远离喧嚣和旅游城市的完美之地,享受宁静与安宁。 无论是享受一段美好的独处时光,还是与您的伴侣或团体一起享受岛屿,这里都是理想的选择。
Gili Gede Facts
There are many reasons to visit this sumptuous island, one of them is the experience to have a beach just for yourself but this comes with some facts that you should be aware of. First of all, there is no restaurants in Gili Gede so you must eat in the hotel where you are staying, second of all, there is no ATMs, so make sure to bring enough cash. Remember that this is a Muslim island and for that reason you must dress conservatively when you are walking around the town and alcoholic drinks are forbidden in shops and some restaurants, so if you are expecting to have some crazy nightlife Gili Gede is not the place for that.
See and Do
Being surrounded by beautiful coasts is the perfect place to enjoy some strolls, relax in the sandy beaches, fishing, or joining to water activities like surfing, snorkelling, and scuba diving which is the favorite of travellers; and it includes a boat which takes you to the best nearby reefs such as Gili Layan and Gili Ringgit to swim and watch colourful fish, at the same time you can explore the islands or the fishing docks. Plan this activity at your hotel; with a fare of around 400.000 rupiahs, which includes scuba equipment and a lunch on the beach.
Mekaki Beach
It is a paradise for those who love surfing. This untouched beach is located in the south of Pelangan and it can be reached by a car or motorbike. Its large waves make this place a perfect destination for surfers, yet, ideal to sunbathe or just relax and watch the sunset. There, the area is undeveloped so you won't find any restaurants, thus, it is necessary to bring your own water and food. Not many travelers come here so you will feel that it is a private beach that was made just for you.
Getting Around
The island is 4 km long and there is no taxi or public transportation in the zone so one of your options is to walk which will give you the opportunity to talk with the friendly residents. There is a motorbike company where you can rent one, however, the distances in the island are walkable so it won't be too necessary, also you can arrange a boat from your hotel or with a fisherman to take you to any of the close beaches.